(#7) Iteration Zero

“With Iteration Zero a common language for the product is formed. Thanks to Iteration Zero, everyone – especially the team – always knows what is the value of the product, what is the benefit for the company. This is motivating. Everyone involved in the product development is focused.”

“In a 3-month cycle the idea can become an inspiring product:

  1. Elevator Pitch: In a workshop with the top management AND developers discuss the question:
    How can we inspire people?
  2. Personas: Do a workshop with internal and external customers, developers and management to fully understand all aspects of the idea and the future product. Understand particularly the customer needs.  Understanding is crucial for both: marketing and the development. Discuss the question:
    For whom do we do the product?
  3. Product Vision: Discuss the question:
    What are the features that the inspirational product comprises?
  4. Story Map: Discuss the question:
    What is the path to the inspirational product?
  5. Minimum viable product (MVP):  Discuss the question:
    What is the very smallest product increment that is inspirational for the customer?
  6. Epics and Stories: Break the Story Map down into smaller pieces with high degree of sharpness for the closest steps and blur for those being far away. Discuss the question:
    What are the first steps?

“Less than 5% of the ideas that enter the Iteration Zero are realized. So Iteration Zero saves us a lot of money” (quote from a company with > 30’000 employees). 

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